Falling Behind

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"Falling Behind" is taken from personal experience... It is about being so wrapped up in yourself, that you fail to see the world around you... Rick wrote the lyrics when he lost contact with a child hood friend, who in reality hadn't called because she was murdered by her so called boyfriend...  and didn't find out about it until 2 months later... This song is dedicated to the memory of Amy Joy Brandt 1978 - 2001... 



Lately I see like tunnel vision; my world is closing in

I wake and see my life still spinning; dizzied by the wind

Everything moves so fast, that my eyes are getting blurry

Tell me what's going on; Why's there such a hurry?


I reach on out to grab the rope, but keep on sinking under

Wish the anchor on my foot was broke; How long will I wonder?


Sometimes I see the light ahead of me;

Sometimes it's so bright I'm blind

I rub my eyes and then I see; I'm falling far behind


I cannot count how many times I have heard those words

My lack of trust precedes me because I know that false truth hurts

Walk around in your sleep; dark or light stays the same

Move over let me take a peek; Hot or Cold?  Who's to blame?


It's hard to tell what real love is when youre a cupid's fool

To be blinded by the razor's edge and used like a tool


It's not something you talk about everyday with friends

It never comes up until the talking ends

Memories of a past, what do they mean?

Should I have been there to see what they've seen?

Imagine the thoughts she spoke with her last breath

Imagine the fear in her eyes when she faced death

The cold of the floor underneath the bed

Chilling numbness visions in my head

An absent minded man, guilty, confesses

His body a shell no soul it possesses

What caused him to bring pain to this young woman?

Two months went by, I heard at quarter 'til ten

Was it long or did it happen quick?

Every time I read about it, it makes me sick

I thought you had forgotten and wondered why you haven't called

Ignored it when it happened, now I see the world's so small


Lyrics (C) 2002 Rick Pipito

Rick Pipito - Vocals & Saxophone
Beau Catania - Guitar
Dave Harris - Bass
Ted Domzalski - Drums